Author Archives: Admin

Welcome To Our Year 6 Blog!

Hi everyone! We hope you are all keeping safe and sensible. We have started this blog to post interesting (hopefully) things for you to do, as well as a way for us all to keep in touch.

When using the padlets, all posts will need to be approved by the moderator (Mr B). To create a post on a padlet, click on the padlet and type your comment. It will show up for everyone when it has been approved.
Have fun and stay sane,
Mr B and Mrs F

myOn Hall of Fame!

Extra-special congratulations to these people for their work on myOn. Gold stars and many house points to you!

Hollie , James, Bart , Phoebe, Safa, Lily-Mae, Holly, Harry, Freya, Ben , Cerys, Sky, Jessica, Brandon.

Eye of the Storm

In the reply section, explain who the mysterious airship pilot is. Why is he travelling through the storm, and what will happen when he gets to the other side . . .
Remember to add your first name so we know who has written each post.
Happy writing
Mr B

Links to fun websites!

Hi everyone, I will be adding to this list of cool, interesting or fun websites over the days. So keep checking back. Happy exploring!
Let me know which websites you have tried and how you got on.
Mr B

A collection of short interesting videos such as ‘Why are cats so weird?’ . .

Audio Elevenses

FREE audio books by David Walliams – read by . . . David Walliams!
Live webcams from Edinburgh Zoo , see the tigers, penguins, pandas, velociraptors etc.

The hour of code website. With lots of different coding activities. Remember its not playing its coding!

Roads End

Who is this mysterious man in goggles and a red scarf and what has happened to him? We are left to decide this for ourselves as the short film begins and he is inspecting the wreckage of a car, as a viewer we assume that he has survived a car crash. Help is at hand in the form of a friendly driver who stops and offers him a lift.

We soon realise that all is not as it seems and so does the driver. But is it too late? He looks into the goggles of his passenger and sees himself in the reflection. It is not a pleasant view of the future… and unluckily for this poor soul it comes true

Rewrite the story as a 1st person narrative from ‘Red Scarf’s’ point of view.
Open a new post and add your retell of the story.
Click on ‘Leave a reply’ by the title of this post.